For More Info
Auto Accident
Treatment Specialists
Providing personalized care after your auto accident since 2009.
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Services Offered
Chiropractic Care
Massage Therapy
Exercise Rehab
Occupational Therapy
Pneumatic Compression
Spinal Decompression
Laser & Light Therapy
Welcome to Accident and Injury Care, Chiropractic and Massage
We specialize in providing comprehensive chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and massage therapy for people involved in auto accidents in the Seattle area. Our team of experienced professionals is here to help guide you through your health and recovery journey through personalized care and effective treatments.
Our Seattle chiropractic office provides specialized, patient-oriented chiropractic care and complementary therapies for all patients. Our chiropractors perform thorough evaluations for all new patients and, if you were involved in an auto accident, will walk you through the steps of how we work with and coordinate with your auto insurance and lawyer.
While we specialize in auto accident treatment, we also work with health insurance, L&I workplace injuries, personal injuries, wellness maintenance, and out-of-pocket care.

See what our patients have to say.