• In Washington State, Medpay is another coverage that can be found in your auto insurance policy.

    Medpay is similar to Personal Injury Protection (PIP) in that is is a 'no-fault' coverage and is intended to pay for medical bills related to a motor vehicle collision.

    Unlike PIP, Medpay does not cover additional costs associated with an incident such as time-loss or other personal costs.

    Medpay coverage limits vary often and it is best to review your policy including the coverage and limits described on the declarations page associated with your vehicle.

  • In cases where there is no immediate medical coverage available, Accident and Injury Care can submit a medical lien related to the care a patient receives and the corresponding medical bills.


Health Insurance FAQ

  • We are in-network and accepting new chiropractic patients with the following insurance companies:

    • Premera - Blue Cross

    • Regence - Blue Shield

    • Lifewise

    • Kaiser Permanente - PPO

    • Aetna

    • United Health Care

    • 1st Choice

    • L&I (Department of Labor & Industries)

  • Great question! We HIGHLY recommend that you contact your insurance company personally to have them explain your specific benefits to you before your first appointment.

    While we can access certain information from your plan online, we can’t always see the fine details for each service. Each person’s plan is like a snowflake, unique and intricate (like you!).

    We can never guarantee coverage. All we can do is bill out to the insurance company and await their response.

    Please Note:
    Some insurance plans, while they may cover chiropractic treatment, will not cover certain codes that we utilize for physical therapy and muscle work in our chiropractic sessions.
    This is based off the plan and insurance provider you chose for your healthcare needs. Please refer to our Patient Contract for more information.

  • Cost for services will always depend on your individual insurance plan. Each person’s deductible, copay, coinsurance, etc. is different depending on the elections you made during your enrollment period for your insurance plan. Remember the snowflakes we just talked about?

    We are happy to try and look up this information for you, but again, it’s always best to verify this information with your insurance company directly.

    Disclaimer: We can never guarantee coverage or payment by the insurance company.

  • (noun): a specified amount of money that the insured (that’s you) must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim.

    For example: If your plan specifies that you have a $500 deductible, you would be responsible to fully pay for any medical costs up to $500 before your insurance company will pay towards a claim.

    Deductibles reset once a year; typically, on January 1st. However, some companies have different plan years. i.e. Benefits for Amazon employees run from April 1st – March 31st each year.

  • Some plans will include a coinsurance % after a deductible has been met.

    This means that once you have satisfied your deductible, you may still be responsible for a small percentage of your medical bills.

    For example: If your coinsurance is 10% and a claim is approved for $59.00, you are responsible for $5.90, while the insurance company would pay $53.10.

Billing Questions

For any billing needs or records, contact:

Phone:  206-482-7725

Fax:  206-362-3444

Email:  info@autoaccidentcmt.com

Address:  1916 23rd Ave S, Ste B, Seattle, WA 98144